The Types of Staffing Services Explained


The Types of Staffing Services Explained
By: Mahalakshmi Prabhakaran

Staffing companies help organizations with their manpower requirements. There are primarily three different types of staffing services offered by staffing firms:

Temporary Staffing Service
As the name suggests, temporary staffing meets the short-term needs of employing organizations. Temporary staffing helps companies fill in for positions made vacant by their absent employees or helps in supplementing the existing staff during times of high workload. Temporary staffing enables organizations to meet their working challenges with minimum human resource overheads and avoiding lengthy recruiting and assessment processes. The huge cost savings involved make temporary staffing an attractive alternative to permanent employment.

Long-term Staffing / Project Staffing Service
Long-term staffing services involve placing employees in long-term assignment, where there’s no definite period of time involved. This type of staffing requirement is common in the professional and technical sectors, where people are required on a project-to-project basis. It makes more sense for these organizations to hire on a project basis than on a permanent basis, so as to avoid idling of human resources.

Temp-to-Perm / Contract-to-Hire Staffing Service
This type of staffing service is a combination of temporary staffing and permanent employment. The temp-to-perm staffing service allows a company to take an employee on a temporary basis for purpose of evaluation and should the employee meet their satisfactory requirements, the company may then take the employee onto their payrolls. This type of staffing service gives the company a safe alternative to permanent hiring and allows the company to critically evaluate the capabilities and managerial skills of the employee in concern.

Most staffing companies offer all these types of staffing services. You will also find specialist agencies that offer industry -specific staffing services.

Author Bio
CAMO Technologies is Specialist Staffing Provider meeting the IT staff requirements of various organisations. Mahalakshmi Prabhakaran is a Content Writer for CAMO Technologies.

Article Source: – Free Website Content

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